“Our Greatest Longing”


Perry County one room schoolhouse

Perry County one room schoolhouse.

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“Our Greatest Longing”

“Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8).

This weekend our friends, Ken and Nila, had their first baby. They have both been so excited but I don’t believe I have ever seen an expectant father as excited as Ken.  Since they announced Nila’s expectant condition Ken has longed to hold this baby in his arms! He frequently asked us to pray in our care group that he would measure up as a godly father and be able to meet the challenges of raising his child from infancy into adulthood.

David Lee was born Saturday morning and what a joy to receive Ken’s call with the good news!  Today they expect to bring the baby home and that will be another exciting time for them. Brooksyne’s taking supper over to the celebrating family this evening.

Here in Lancaster County the Women and Babies Hospital is built right next to the Hospice Center, where the temporary residents are at the end stages of life. The two buildings are quite a contrast; one primarily for the transition into this life (birth), the other for the inevitable transition out (death).  In the course of our ministry we have made numerous visits to the hospice and when Brooksyne’s mom passed on five years ago hospice played a vital medical role as well as a personal comforting role. Lou Guiliano, a minister friend, has served as a hospice chaplain for a number of years and was recognized as the New Jersey Hospice Chaplain of the Year in 2006. He’s involved in a very needed and critically important form of ministry.

Both the Women and Babies Hospital and the Hospice Center deal with expectations. But an entirely different form of expectation takes place in hospice. For some it’s a sense of fear and dread, but for others it’s an expectation of their pending transfer to heaven. For those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ it is a lifetime longing finally being fulfilled following the fierce battle that rages between life and death.

Today we are all “longing for” something. There are many secondary longings that come and go in the course of a lifetime. There are good temporal longings as well as undesirable ones that we seek to be rid of. But all we that love Christ should have a deep, abiding desire for the appearing of our Lord. This should be our greatest longing that is not fleeting and is supremely secondary to any of our temporal longings.

Paul in our daily verse has come to the closing days of his life on this earth.  In the previous verses he solemnly acknowledged that “the time has come for my departure” (v.6) and stated, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (v.7).  With great anticipation he looked forward to receiving “the crown of righteousness” that was stored up for him, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, would award him on the appointed day.

Since Paul’s remarkable conversion on the Damascus Road he had given his life in service for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Some 30 years had passed since that time and Paul had stayed the course.  I sense such a confidence and peace in his words, even as he faced a martyr’s death. Earlier in this very letter he expressed his assurance, “I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day” (1:12).

There’s something else in the verse that captures my attention.  Just five little words but they speak volumes to those of us who, like Paul, strive to stay on course with Christ in this decadent age. 

“And not only to me.”

Paul gives us a great word here.  You and I must cling to it today.  His words are not intended exclusively for Timothy to whom he was writing.  Instead he directs them to each reader, “but also to all who have longed for His appearing.”  Paul looked forward earnestly to that day when he would see the Lord and often expresses it in his writings.  The healthy state for the believer is to “long for” His appearing.  That’s our greatest longing.  Let’s keep our focus on that today!

Be encouraged today,

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Daily prayer:  Father, help us to remember in the course of this day, when so much of our work and planning is intended for this life only, that we must also fix our eyes on the life yet to come.  May all that we say, think, and do reflect kingdom principles that store up treasures for us in our heavenly kingdom even while we serve here below.  Since we don’t know the day nor the hour we can live in eager anticipation each day because this could be the day for our glorious transfer into Your divine presence.  Nothing in this life compares with the joy that awaits those who long for Your magnificent appearing!  Amen.

Some of our weekend experiences

Perry County view

Saturday we went to a benefit auction at an Amish one room schoolhouse in Perry County about an hour northwest of us. Perry County is a very rural area and is mostly in a lush valley between two mountain ridges. I’ve read there’s not a single traffic light in the entire county.

Horse-powered ice cream

Here’s a sight I suppose most of you haven’t seen. The horse ride for the children also powered the crank for the home-made ice cream.
See here for detail.

Cannonball Dan

Saturday evening we went to a picnic at Ester’s youth leader’s home and the kids went swimming and boating in the pond. Dan, one of her leaders, is doing the cannonball splash and Ester is ready.

Jay with bbq chicken
Jay prepared the barbecue chicken. It was delicious!

Ester with praise team

Sunday evening Ester (far right) joined the youth praise team as we enjoyed a neighborhood ice cream social at our church.

Pierce family

The Pierce family and their long awaited arrival, David Lee.

Suggested music for today’s theme: (listen to audio)
“This is my desire”
‘I Know Whom I Have Believed” (piano instrumental)

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Personal Ministry Update

“The Mansion Builder”


Earthly Mansion
Lancaster County earthly mansion
     (Photo for heavenly mansion is unavailable)

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“The Mansion Builder”

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). “For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God” (Hebrews 11:10).  “Being confidant of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it out to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).

TentLast night we slept in our tent in our front lawn, at least till we woke up at 4:00 AM and went inside due to the cold. We’re considering going camping this summer and since we haven’t been for years I wanted to see if the tent still worked OK. It sure did!

Several weeks go we had a “Parade of Homes” here in Lancaster County.  This is an opportunity for home builders and owners to show off their properties to the general public, most of whom really have no intention of buying. They’re just curious. 

The other night in our Home Bible Study two elderly ladies who sure aren’t in the market for a mansion on this side of eternity were describing a huge mansion-like home built out our way that was in the Parade of Homes. By their colorful description it must have been quite a “cottage”!

As the old song says, “A tent or a cottage, why should I care? They’re building a palace for me over there.” God is the Master Builder. “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hebrews 11:3).  He’s still at work building His church and transforming the individual lives of the millions that are daily turning to Him in faith and obedience. 

He’s also at work in preparing a place that people of faith through the generations have been anticipating.  In the first daily text I rejoice in the line that states, “if it were not so, I would have told you.”  Jesus always tells us the truth and just what we need to know. 

Today, we, like the great man of faith Abraham, “look forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.”  We only have glimpses of what this “city” will be like, but we can be assured it will be indescribably wonderful.  “For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come” (Hebrews 13:14). 

Today on the personal level some of you are dealing with what appears to be a lapse in the building program.  At times it may even seem that God has abandoned His building project in your life.  Your prayers seem to be unanswered.  Issues in your life aren’t getting resolved as you would like.  There may be strife in your marriage and home.  Some are dealing with a long-standing stronghold of pornography or other addictions they’re seeking to overcome.  Others are dealing with lengthy career transitions that have thus far not worked out as they had anticipated. 

What issue are you dealing with today?  Don’t give up.  Hold to your faith!  Here’s a promise that we can all count on, “He who began a good work in you will carry it out to completion!”   Fellow believer, wherever you live, whatever you’re going through; stay faithful to the Mansion Builder, for the Mansion Builder is ever faithful to us. “Do not throw away your confidence, for it will be richly rewarded.”

“Why should I worry, why should I fret,
Cause I’ve got a Mansion Builder who ain’t through with me yet.” *

Be encouraged today,

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Daily prayer: Lord Jesus thank you for the absolute truthfulness of your words.  We can rely upon your promises even when the temporal evidence we are experiencing suggests otherwise.  Thank you for the promises in Scripture concerning our eternal home.  Help us as we deal with what your word says are “our light and momentary troubles” and to recognize that they are “achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”  Today “we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

(Prayer based on 2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

Recommended Resource

Money Possessions and Eternity, Revised and UpdatedMoney, Possessions and Eternity, Revised and Updated  By Randy Alcorn/Tyndale House

Suggested music to reinforce today’s theme:

“Mansion Builder”  (audio)
“I’ve Got A Mansion”  (audio)
“A Child of the King”  (audio)  As I was searching for an audio of this song I came also across this story.  Words  Listen to audio

Our earthly home

Our earthly home

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Personal Ministry Update

“Our Heavenly Reservation”


Cloud scene over Raystown Lake in central Pennsylvania

I took this photo on Raystown Lake in central Pennsylvania.

ListenClick here to listen to us read this message on your audio player.

“Our Heavenly Reservation”

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:3-5).

Yesterday afternoon I was visiting with the general manager of one of the hotels we serve as chaplains.  She told me that the hotel had a very good weekend due to a local college graduation. Since it’s the nearest hotel to the college, graduation weekend is always a good time for this hotel’s business. In fact she said people were already trying to book rooms for next year even though their reservation system would not accept reservations that far out.

Well, as regular readers can imagine that got me thinking!  What about our heavenly reservation?

The powerful song “I Can Only Imagine” is a stirring reminder of what awaits us on the other side. I recall a moving memorial service when I heard the song in the context of honoring deceased ministers.  There was a crescendo of praise in the congregation toward God as we reflected on what is ahead for all who are faithful in the Lord.

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to take care of your most important reservation. God’s reservation system is always available!  In the course of our ministry Brooksyne and I regularly deal with those whose loved ones have died. We’ve known many who have had untimely deaths (although I am not sure we ever consider death “timely” in our earthly frame of mind).  We also regularly receive mail from readers sharing of their heartaches and often requesting prayer. I want this encouragement to minister to the hearts of those who have faced death’s throbbing pain that just won’t go away.

Have you considered heaven much lately? Brooksyne recalls a lot more emphasis on the subject growing up in the 60’s and early 70’s.  Sermons, hymns, and contemporary songs often repeated the theme of heaven or the rapture of the church. The focus of the contemporary church at least here in America seems to have changed somewhat (or perhaps a lot!). Oh sure, we still believe in heaven and certainly find great comfort in the truth when a loved one dies in Christ. But how much do we really contemplate heaven? Has the material prosperity and daily comforts so many of us experience clouded the longing and vision of our future home and inheritance?

Today I want to consider the phrase, “reserved in heaven for you.” Our future inheritance is reserved in heaven, solid and secure. It is “imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away.” It’s where “moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:20). It’s “an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands” (2 Corinthians 5:1). It’s where “there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4).  Heaven is a place that surpasses human vision and defies terminology!

But finally, notice the last two words in the phrase, “for you.” Praise God! Heaven is not just about some remarkable doctrine. It’s not merely a colorful destination we can only dream about or try to imagine. It’s not just a nice sentiment of comfort for those who attend funeral services.

Peter said to his original readers and through the sacred Scriptures to us that it’s “for you.”  Praise God for His eternal provision!

Be encouraged today,

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Daily prayer: Lord, help us to keep this eternal perspective today! And please bring assurance, comfort and peace to any reader dealing with the sting of death. Thank You for making my reservation in heaven since it is only in this dwelling that enemies, disease, and aging cannot destroy.  Amen.

For many years we have appreciated a radio ministry called “Haven of Rest”.  On a recent broadcast they featured a singer with a song I had never heard before called “Faithful God” that really blessed both of us. I was unable to find the song by itself as a separate audio link but here’s the link to the program that has it. (It’s about 2/3 through the program.)

Here’s the singer and the album that has the song.

Faithful God CDFaithful God CD  By Shannon Wexelberg / Discovery House

Get ready for your own private worship experience as you praise God along with Shannon! Includes “Hail to the King,” “Change Me,” “Here in the Shadow,” “Quiet Places,” “Pour Your Spirit Out,” “Come Worship the Lord,” “Highest Praise,” the title track, and more.

The mystery photo I shared Friday was taken in Philadelphia PA. One alert reader shared this detail (which I was not aware of):
“Claes Oldenburg’s 45-foot-high, 10-ton sculpture stands in front of the Center Square Building at 15th and Market Streets, near City Hall in Philadelphia.”

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Personal Ministry Update

“Ascension Day”


Planter holder
I saw this interesting planter holder in rural Berks County PA.
Can you tell what it is?
(Click here to enlarge photo)

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“Ascension Day”

After He said this, He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as He was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:9-11).

MaMa & PaPaWhat kind of experiences do you have that you can tell your grandchildren?  My Grandpa, George Washington Steincross, told of traveling out west as a young man by hitching rides on trains.  I even recall a story of him climbing Pike’s Peak alone one night.  He was a colorful man who was married to my Grandma for 65 years (I believe that’s their anniversary photo to the left.)  While in his eighties he would still ride a bike. Now his aging grandchildren get together and reminisce and have some interesting stories to pass on to their grandchildren.

Consider the stories Peter and the other disciples passed on to their grandchildren.  Can you just imagine sitting on Peter’s lap as a child and having him tell you about the time Christ was taken up before his very eyes?  Based upon Peter’s vibrant personality in the Gospels I am sure he was a very interesting and expressive grandpa!*

Today is Ascension Day. In most of Christendom this day doesn’t have nearly the emphasis as other notable events in our Lord’s earthly life such as His birth, death, and resurrection or Pentecost, which followed His Ascension by 10 days. I wonder how many readers even recalled that this was Ascension Day prior to reading today’s message?

Today’s Scripture portion gives us the most complete record of the Ascension found in the Bible.  Jesus had just reinforced the Great Commission, the church’s primary mission, and then “He was taken up before their very eyes.”  This was important for the disciples to witness and is an essential part of the Biblical record. It reinforces that Jesus Christ is God and that He returned to His home in heaven. An ancient creedal statement of the early church is in 1 Timothy 3:16, “He was taken up in glory.”

When Jesus was taken up the disciples gazed intently into the sky as He departed. Two men dressed in white (angels) suddenly appeared and gave a promise, “This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven.”

That promise is reinforced and elaborated on throughout the New Testament. Paul calls it the “blessed hope.”  What a day that will be!  Until then let us faithfully serve the Lord, who has ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father.

Be encouraged today,

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Daily prayer: Father, though we don’t know the day nor the hour, You already have the blessed event of Christ’s return on Your heavenly calendar.  Even as the Son of Man ascended into heaven He will come again, but this time we have the blessed hope of ascending with Him in the air and setting up eternal housekeeping with those of like precious faith.  Thank You for our parents and their parents who have repeated this glorious life-transforming message to us over the years to prepare our hearts for this major event.  May it be the burning message of our hearts as we anticipate the glorious moment when we will all be changed in the twinkling of an eye.  Amen.  

* Of course the Bible does not specify that Peter or any of the disciples were grandpas but it is a reasonable conjecture. I have a question for readers. Where in the Bible to we find references to a relationship between a grandparent and their grandchild?  Respond (I will answer tomorrow based upon my recollection.)

Steincross cousins in Harwood (April 2006)
Some of MaMa and PaPa’s “grandkids”
(Click here to enlarge photo)
(There are 16 total and we all still stay connected and gather annually for a reunion.  This poto was taken in the little church in Harwood, Missouri my grandma went to)

Brooksyne’s recollection

As a child my grandfather talked to me about heaven more frequently than any other subject.  He was in his 70’s and greatly anticipated the day when he would join with the hosts of heaven in praising God.  It was troublesome to me as a child because I wanted to cling to my loving grandfather here on earth.  But when his time of departure eventually came I was about 23 years old.  The flashbacks of him sitting me on his lap and telling me how excited he was about going to heaven flooded my memories.  As much as I loved him it sure made saying good-bye a whole lot easier.  I’m sure looking forward to meeting him on the other side.

Brooksyne with her Grandpa (in the mid-seventies)This is a photo of my Grandpa, Elbert Sherrell and me (when I was a junior in college) sitting on the banks of Horsehead Lake in Arkansas.  As a child we often visited this site since it was about four miles down the back of the mountain from where Grandpa farmed.  It was an extremely rugged trail but Grandpa never got tired of leading us down this trail. The bigger challenge was climbing back up!

Today’s suggested music:  “I can only imagine”
Listen to vocal version from the Galloway House
Listen to audio version  Incredible saxophone from this site.

HeavenHeaven  By Randy Alcorn / Tyndale House
As the years pass and we watch more and more of our family, friends and mentors pass away, it is only natural to ask questions about heaven. However, our understanding of heaven is often limited to a few half-forgotten Sunday school lessons and the insubstantial images provided by popular movies and T.V. Fortunately, in Heaven Randy Alcorn provides us with a thoroughly researched and biblically definitive description of heaven. As Alcorn addresses our most serious questions about heaven, including the nature of judgment, and answers a few of our less serious questions as well, including the accessibility of cafe mochas the sweet by and by, we will develop a deeper understanding of our eternal destination and will find the courage to strive for heaven while were living on earth. Click here for more information or to order online.

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Personal Ministry Update

“New Life”



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“New Life”

“We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:4).

We often mention our two pets, Dottie and Roxie.  Our cat Dottie had her sixth birthday yesterday. We know this precisely because she was born on May 15, 2001 three months after we moved to Lancaster County from New England.  At the time we were renting an old farmhouse. 

I still recall her mother, a wild black barn cat, snarling at me when I walked into the summer kitchen early that morning. “Mama” was instinctively protecting her four tiny furry balls.  Of course Ester insisted on keeping one and chose her pick from the litter. We’ve had Dottie ever since; the longest time we’ve managed to keep a cat during our 31 year marriage. 

A wondrous sight to behold is new life and the spring season abounds with evidence of new life here in the country.  Right within view of my computer is a morning dove who has rarely left her nest since she built it weeks ago under the eaves of our barn.  Within days I expect to hear chirps of new life from this hid-away site.

I find something particularly wondrous in viewing row after row of tiny corn just sprouting.  It’ll be 10 feet tall by harvest in early fall.  Seeds Brooksyne planted only three days ago are sprouting and she is as excited as a young child as they pop up out of the soil one by one. She spritzes them several times a day and often comes back with a smile indicating another one has sprouted.

The Father sent Jesus that we might have new life.  Christ indeed was raised from the dead to the glory of the Father and He has ordained a new life for His redeemed children.  “We too may live a new life.”  The apostle Paul uses the 1st person plural indicating that this was a very personal experience for him, not merely an injunction to his readers.  The sense of this “new life” is active and ongoing.  The Amplified Bible describes the sense of “new life” in these words, “so that we too may habitually live and behave in newness of life.”

Those cute little kittens have certainly grown up now.  At least one has already died and in the course of things Dottie will get old and die in several years.  Likewise “outwardly we are wasting away” (2 Corinthians 4:16).  Hank Hanegraaff makes this interesting observation in his book, “Resurrection”:  “Our DNA is programmed in such a way that at a particular point we reach optimal development from a functional perspective.  For the most part it appears that we reach this stage in our twenties or thirties.  Prior to this stage, the development of our bodies (anabolism) exceeds the devolution of our bodies (catabolism).  From this point on the rate of breakdown exceeds the rate of buildup which eventually leads to physical death.”

Yes, we are wasting away!  At 52 I realize that the rate of breakdown physically for me is on the up side and has been for some twenty years now!  It is evident not only in the physical signs such as sore joints and high blood pressure, but also in the increasing mental challenges as well.  Young people can work circles around me with the  electronic gizmos on the market and I’m finding myself more forgetful these days.*

But instead of getting gloomy about the increasing years, let’s hold on to this glorious thought today: “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16).  Inwardly our spiritual being is being renewed day by day! That’s the wonder of the “new life.” And that should lift your spirits whether you’re 9 or 90!

Be encouraged today,

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Daily prayer: Father, though my mortal body is perishing and confined to this earthly dwelling, I rejoice in the energizing truth that my inward spiritual being is being refined and preparing me for an eternal dwelling where I will never grow weak, weary or old!  Thank You for the renewing of my mind and my spirit as I hold fast to Your transforming truths this day.  Amen.

* Speaking of memory loss, I was to be the speaker in a chapel service at a Christian school this morning and only remembered after Brooksyne called asking me, “Is there something you might have forgotten today?”  At that time I was some 45 miles away near Reading, PA.  After she told me about the missed appointment I realized that I had failed to get it on the main calendar and thus I forgot this very important date.  What humiliation, frustration, and embarrassment I felt when I had forgotten something as important as this opportunity to speak as a servant of God! I also regret letting down Mike, a friend and teacher at the school who had invited me to speak. In self-examination and in talking to Brooksyne we’ve determined that we will have to go to greater measures to compensate for increasing memory loss as we are growing older together and both dealing with this annoyance! (I had written down the appointment on a scratch note but…)

I was actually with my friend Jesse, the Amish stonemason, at the time Brooksyne called. She informed me with considerable chagrin that I had missed the speaking appointment and Jesse could tell by the tone of her voice transmitted over the cell phone and my “guilty as charged” response that I was in trouble!  He felt bad for me and tried to encourage me. Jesse is only 28 years old and I told him to learn from what I had done. I told him, “Should the Lord tarry and I still have breath I will call you when I’m 76 and you’re 52. Then I’m going to ask, Have you missed any important appointments in the last 24 years?”

Occasionally I still have opportunities like this morning to drive for Jesse. I really enjoy it and it’s a helpful supplement to my income.  We were in a beautiful mountainous region east of Reading (pronounced Redding) at a large stone quarry. These types of trips also account in part for the varying times these messages are delivered.

“Resurrection” Hank Hanegraaff, © Copyright 2000 Word Publishing (page 133)

Note from Brooksyne:  Summer kitchens, very common in this area, are separate from the main kitchens of old farm houses and apparently farmwives would use them in the summer due to the extreme heat. It’s easy to forget that women used to cook over an open fire.

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Personal Ministry Update

“Our Heavenly Citizenship”



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“Our Heavenly Citizenship”

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20).

Finally, after almost ten years of red tape, our 18 year old daughter, Ester, will become a citizen of the United States at noon today.  She has been in our care since she was three months old when she first came to us from Guatemala.   But due to an important document that was missing from her passport upon her arrival in the U.S we have had major, major hassles getting her citizenship.

To say we’re delighted to go to Philadelphia to pick up her Certificate of Citizenship is an understatement.  Ester has been so excited because now that she is old enough to be applying for jobs related to her school lessons she’s found out the importance of being a citizen.  Being the only one in her class in this situation she’s felt the sting of being different. Another blessing we’ll enjoy is now being able to visit our friends in Canada (we haven’t crossed the border for 18 years!)
Readers of Daily Encouragement are citizens of a variety of different countries all over the world and there is a healthy sense of national pride we all may have.  But each of us who follow Christ has an infinitely greater citizenship of eternal significance.  Paul, writing from a prison to the believers in the Roman colony of Philippi, declares a citizenship we all share and can rejoice in today; “Our citizenship is in heaven.”  Although he found his Roman citizenship a helpful defense in a time of trial, he undoubtedly considered his heavenly citizenship of incomparably greater value.  And so should we!
Our heavenly citizenship is one of those powerful truths we all need to keep before us.  When we hold on to this perspective we find the reality of God’s promised peace.  An ongoing faith struggle for the believer is to remember where our primary citizenship really is.  I believe that is particularly true in places where life has been very good.
However, when we focus on our earthly citizenship we find ourselves experiencing anxiety and at times even despair.  I find that in my life the source of agitation and anxiety often comes from placing too much emphasis in this present life or failing to realize where my primary and ultimate citizenship lies.
What issues are you facing today?  What has the potential of robbing you of the blessing of God’s peace and promised abundant life? 
Today remember Paul’s words to the Philippian believers. “Our citizenship is in heaven.”  Chained and imprisoned he nevertheless was able to express and encourage joy more in this short epistle than in any other. He wrote, “So you too should be glad and rejoice with me” (Philippians 2:18).  It just seems like he’s bubbling over with the joy of the Lord.  If he experienced joy in his imprisoned condition we too can have joy. Regardless of our temporal earth-bound circumstances let’s focus on the future benefits of our heavenly citizenship and rejoice in the goodness of the Lord!
Be encouraged today,
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Daily prayer: Jesus, at one time we were alienated and excluded from heavenly citizenship.  We were foreigners to the covenant of eternal promise, hopeless and destined to perish.  But You, in Your great mercy, redeemed us through Your precious blood.  We received forgiveness for our sins and the Holy Spirit which is a down payment guaranteeing our inheritance.    Help us to endure sickness, pain, disappointments, poverty, and all the ills confined to this present age which are insignificant when compared to the blessing, privileges and glory yet to be revealed in the age to come.  Fix our attention on our heavenly citizenship in the midst of our trials on earth so that we do not lose heart.  As our focus is heavenward we are filled with renewed hope and an enduring spirit.

Ester’s testimony – “Jesus Never Fails”

Earlier this week on the occasion of both our 31st wedding anniversary and the 28th anniversary of my ministry ordination I shared a revised ministry update.

Jimmy with EsterYesterday I had a chaplain visit to make and as I drove through town I saw Jimmy, a friend of mine, sitting out in his customary spot on his front porch. I rolled down the window and invited him to join me for the ride into Lancaster.  Jimmy has a genetic neurological disorder known as Tourette Syndrome, a nervous condition that causes twitching and other involuntary muscle movements. He’s had it all his life and is only a few years younger than me. He sure enjoyed getting out and afterwards we stopped by our house as well where I took this photo of him with Ester.  I ask Jimmy what he is and without hesitation he will declare, “I’m an overcomer.”  Jimmy has known a lot of rejection in life but told me his favorite song is “What a Friend We Have In Jesus.”

Phil & Edith CochranePhil Cochrane, a longtime friend of ours emailed us following yesterday’s message.  He was pretty sure he knew what we were going to do today when I mentioned in a footnote that we had a special trip to Philadelphia. He and his wife, Edith, who are both from Great Britain, will be getting their American citizenship in another location today at the very same time!  Edith just turned eighty years old so this is quite an accomplishment.  For many years they served as missionaries in the Congo and we met them back in the eighties when we pastored in northern Pennsylvania and they pastored in a neighboring community. They are stout-hearted servants of the Lord Jesus Christ and are still very active in our Lord’s service. Phil serves as chairman of the missions board in their church in State College PA and Edith is active on the prayer team and in a mentoring program. It’s a blessing to know godly folks like this!

Today’s suggested music:
“When We All Get To heaven”  This hand-clapping hymn was a favorite of Brooksyne’s father.  Weeks before his eventual death Ester, along with others in Brooksyne’s family, gathered around his hospital bed and sang this hymn often.  Now it is a favorite hymn of Ester’s. We dedicate it to her today on her very special day!
Traditional version from a small local church in Carthage, Tennessee
A more updated version from “Worship Today”
A toe-tapping instrumental version

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