“A Child Of The King”

Tractor in Schell City Missouri 7/17/13
We passed this old Allis-Chalmers tractor sitting in a field last week near Schell City, MO. Reminds me of the tractor my Uncle Gentry had.

“A Child Of The King”

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“Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King” (Psalm 149:2). “To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all” (Mark 10:15).

Did you hear the big news yesterday? Who didn’t! Although, according to statistics there are over 350,000 babies born every day* none receive the attention and newsworthiness of yesterday’s “royal” birth. Yet as the wonderful old song states, “Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world; red and yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight”.

Boston Children's Hospital Children’s Hospital Boston is a large medical center specializing in treating children with severe medical conditions.  It probably has the top pediatric cardiology department in the entire world with an entire floor devoted just to heart kids.  Children come from all over the world to receive needed treatment.  There’s a large dotted world map indicating the many distant locations represented by the patients.

Many years ago when Ester was being treated I stepped out of her room for a few minutes and was sitting on a couch by a staff elevator when I saw a very interesting sight.  A tiny infant was being transported and was accompanied not only by the medical transport personnel but also by a security detail. I wondered whether it might have been a VIP since I don’t suppose they had to worry about a tiny infant in an incubator escaping! Perhaps this infant might have been a child of a king or some other foreign dignitary and the security detail was needed for the child’s protection.

I don’t suppose there was much security in the hospital when I was born many years ago in Kansas City. I naturally do not come from royalty. I am not a “blue blood.” I suspect we all have that in common! My Dad, who has been in the Lord’s presence for over fifteen years now, was a pipefitter and for several years ran a small heating and air-conditioning company; my Mom, who went to be with the Lord in November 2005, was a country girl housewife.  They loved me and all their children and we loved them right back.  That’s a great blessing in life.

Child Of The King But spiritually I am a child of a king. In fact I am a child of the King! And if you have believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior so are you. Like the Psalmist in today’s passage we rejoice in our King. But as I prepare this message today I am aware that some readers do not feel loved. Some do not even know the love of earthly parents.

Here’s a timeless truth: Your heavenly Father, the King of Kings, steadfastly loves and cares for you.  The apostle John, writing of Jesus, records “to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12).  Here’s the fact.  If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you are a child of the King!

I’m a child of the King,
A child of the King:
With Jesus my Savior,
I’m a child of the King.

Be encouraged today,

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying manDaily prayer:  Father, You who created the heavens and the earth; You who created Jacob, and formed Israel have also chosen to redeem us. You even call us by Your name as we, Your redeemed, are children of the King. We are joint heirs with You through no goodness of our own or merits that we’ve earned, but only through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus, who gave His life that we might have forgiveness of sins and become Your children. We are abundantly grateful for such mercy and grace. Amen.

Meanwhile back in Realville:
Yesterday while the world news was focused on the royal birth our church, like thousands of other churches, began a weeklong Vacation Bible School. Brooksyne is playing the part of Jesus’ mother, Mary, and told the children of the royal announcement she received from the angel, Gabriel.  Praise God, the announcement of the birth of Jesus makes those who believe eternal heirs, unlike those temporary kingdoms established here on earth. “Mary” has an unbelieving neighbor by the name of Eunice, played by Wilma Dourte. (To let you in on a secret: on the last day of VBS Eunice will become a believer.)

Brooksyne with Wilma at Mount Pleasant VBS
Brooksyne with Wilma, 89 years young.

Brooksyne at backyard VBS (early 80's)
Interesting side note:  We wrote yesterday about staying the course and came across a photo of Brooksyne teaching neighborhood VBS in St. Marys, PA. And here she is playing the role of Mary, the mother of Jesus, 31 years later. But even more interesting is Wilma Dourte, who struggles with her memory not only due to aging but also due to a fall she had a few years ago, who continues to serve the Lord in whatever way she can. She is 30 years older than Brooksyne. We never outgrow the need for being faithful, when God provides an opportunity for us to make a difference in His kingdom!! (Some of the children have expressed in earnest their concern for an unbeliever who visits Mary’s house.)

Steincross  cousins with Uncle Gentry (mid sixties)
Regarding our tractor photo above I recalled this old photo from my childhood taken in the early to mid sixties. One year we had some snow in southern Missouri at Christmas so Uncle Gentry took some of his nieces and nephews out for a makeshift sled ride on his tractor pulling what appears to be a wood pallet. That’s my cousin Steve driving the tractor with the huge smile and I’m in the photo standing on the back of the pallet. I think that’s my sister Genelle sitting on the pallet. Uncle Gentry doesn’t look like he’s in a very safe place!

Today’s Suggested Musicand SupplementalResources

“A Child Of The King”  Video  Homecoming Singers

Mr. Peter P. Bilhorn relates the following incident in connection with this hymn, which happened when he was engaged in evangelistic work among the cowboys in the West, in 1883. “We had started up the Missouri River for Bismarck, and on Sunday we stopped at a new town, named Blunt, to unload some freight. A crowd of men and boys came down to the wharf. I took my little organ, went on the wharfboat, and sang a few songs, among others, the glorious hymn “I’m A Child Of The King.”  I thought nothing more of the occasion until long afterward, when I sang the same song in Mr. Moody’s church in Chicago [Illinois]. Then a man in the back part of the house arose, and said in a trembling voice: ’Two years ago I heard that song at Blunt, Dakota; I was then an unsaved man, but that song set me to thinking, and I decided to accept Christ, and I am now studying for the ministry.’”

“Jesus Loves The Little Children”  Video

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